
While I’m cautious of the over-valuing of a “seminary education” … I also recognize their great value (when used properly). So much so … I’m looking to begin a seminary program next fall.

Haggai begins

After finishing Acts last Saturday, we are moving into the post-exhilic prophets, starting with Haggai. It promises to be yet another engaging time of study for my men’s group.

Acts 16

It’s been quite some time since I wrote anything on this blog. We’ve been steadily progressing through Acts in my men’s Bible study group – finishing chapter 15 this past Saturday. What a true joy it is to have a group of men you can study, discuss, and learn from (and with) in Christ! There […]

back to our normal pace

This past Saturday we slowed back to more our “typical” pace going through Daniel 6. So next Saturday we’ll still be in the same chapter.

I apologize for having been a “grudge bear”

“You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the Lord.” {Leviticus 19:18} Many years ago, shortly after the church I grew up in ordained 5th pastor (who made 3 current when it happened), there was a sermon he […]

blogging my reading

In addition to the semi-regular book reviews I do on my main blog, I am planning to blog as I read the Bible, as well. Perhaps not every day – but I’d like to share some of the thoughts and/or connections that bounce into my head as I go.

our adoption blog has moved

Due to new privacy rules from our partner agencies, and concerns over general program safety, adoption updates can’t be “public” anymore. If you would like access to our adoption blog (now:; formerly, please send me an email, call, facebook message, or leave a comment.