visiting the Creation Museum

For several years, I have wanted to visit the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky, built and sponsored by Answers in Genesis – a group I have yet to find issues with (from theological, scientific, or other points of view).

On the 4th, my wife and I headed up the ~90 minutes to get to the museum from our home to meet-up with a family I haven’t seen in a while who was nearby for a conference (full link).

The museum is very informative, and very scripturally-based. It presents the history of the origins of the world (and the “7 Cs“) from the perspective of those who were there: ie, God, Adam, Eve, Noah, etc.

I have extensively read AiG’s work over the years, and have had the privilege to attend lectures, seminars, and sermons led by various staff of the organization. I cannot recommend the Answers group highly enough – their patience, steadfastness, and biblicality of their work stands for itself in the light of God’s Word.

If you have the chance to go, I would strongly encourage you to do so – it is an enlightening, entertaining, and educating experience.